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Wirenet Amiga Internet

What's new?

Monday 28-Sep-98: Added information and the necessary script to download the list of newsgroups from U-Net's ftp server and import them into MicroDot-II.
Wednesday 23-Sep-98: Updated the proxy server information on the Support page
Thursday 30-Jul-98: NetConnect 2 is now shipping. The configuration page for MicroDot's mail settings looks very different (although the settings are the same). Here is a rundown on how to configure the new MicroDot to work with your Wirenet mailbox.
Friday 3-Jul-98: Made a few changes to the news server recommendations. All should be fine with both THOR and MicroDot now.
Wednesday 1-Jul-98: With the new news server coming online, some people are having problems downloading news. Added instructions for altering your news reader settings.
Monday 11-May-98: I hadn't realised it was so long since an update. Altered the proxy information to suit the latest versions of the browsers.
Sunday 8-Mar-98: Added instructions for configuring Amiga browsers to use the new web proxy to the Support page
Sunday 8-Mar-98: Added an index to the questions on the Support page
Monday 23-Feb-98: New inline image decoders released for AWeb 3.1, download from the Support page
Monday 23-Feb-98: Multiple mail addresses: Added details of how to use your multiple email addresses on the Support page.
Thursday 19-Feb-98: Deleting problem mails: Details of how to access your mailbox by telnet to manually delete any problem emails. See the Support page for details.
Wednesday 28-Jan-98: AWeb 3.1 demo released. The new demo answers previous criticisms by having many more features enabled than on previous demos, including JavaScript. See the Support page for details.
Thursday 15-Jan-98: AWeb 3.1 upgrade released, now featuring JavaScript, SSL and much more. See the Support page for details.
Thursday 15-Jan-98: Some people have been experiencing login problems on the 0845 0798112 number since the recent server upgrade. This only affects users of a couple of modem makes, but if you are experiencing these problems have a look at the Support page.
Saturday 18-Oct-97: At the moment, everythng is new as the whole site has been revamped

Here is an overview of the Wirenet site:

Introduction An overview of what Wirenet offer, the service, software and support.
Software Full details of the range of software provided to all subscribers.
FAQ Answers to the most frequently asked questions, plus the chance to add your own question to the list.
Support Useful information for subscribers such as details of software upgrades, services available and how to use them.
What's new For regular visitors, a quick look at recent information and additions.
Links The ubiquitous selection of links, without which no web site would be complete :}
Web searchers Links to a range of web search tools.

This page was last updated on Monday 28 September 1998.